Visual Processing Therapy

Vision Therapy Locations

Visual processing therapy, or sensory integration therapy, can help children and adults alike with visual processing issues through repetitive, structured exposure to sensory stimulation. Clarkson Eyecare’s holistic, multi-sensory based approach helps patients of all ages effectively receive, organize, and interpret sensory information.

What is Visual Processing?

Visual processing is the way our nervous system receives, organizes, interprets, and utilizes sensory information from the environment around us. When our systems are processing information and communicating effectively, our bodies can achieve a calm, organized state to efficiently attend to activities. Sensory information comes from various sources, including sight, sound, touch, taste, smell and movement, as well as the sense of body position and balance.

For most people, visual processing occurs automatically and efficiently, allowing them to respond appropriately to different stimuli. However, when an individual experiences difficulties with visual processing, their brain may struggle to accurately interpret and respond to sensory information, leading to visual processing disorder (SPD). Individuals with SPD might be overly sensitive (hypersensitive) or under-senditive (hyposensitive) to sensory stimuli, affecting their ability to perform daily tasks, concentrate, and interact with others.

How Does Visual Processing Therapy Work?

Clarkson Eyecare specializes in providing treatment that is multi-sensory based and tailored to the individual’s specific needs and desired outcomes. Visual processing therapy involves a variety of techniques and activities designed to help individuals better understand, interpret, and respond to sensory information. Here’s how our approach works:

  1. Individualized Assessment: The therapy process begins with a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s visual processing abilities, including assessing their responses to different types of sensory stimuli and identifying areas of hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity. We develop a customized therapy plan based on this assessment.

  2. Therapeutic Activities: We utilize multiple therapy tools and activities to target various aspects of visual processing. These tools include swings, trampolines, therapy balls, balance disks, and more. Each activity is carefully selected to address specific sensory challenges and promote engagement and motivation.

  3. Multi-Sensory Approach: Our therapy is designed to engage multiple sensory systems simultaneously. This includes visual, vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, and tactile processing strategies to ensure holistic, successful results.

  4. Gradual Progression: Visual processing therapy is designed to be progressive, starting with simple activities and gradually increasing in complexity as the individual’s abilities improve. This ensures that therapy is always challenging yet achievable, fostering confidence and skill development.

  5. Collaborative and Goal-Oriented: Each therapy session is conducted in a supportive and interactive environment and focuses on a specific goal, encouraging individuals to explore and respond to sensory experiences while improving daily functioning and quality of life. Whether it’s enhancing concentration, improving motor skills, or reducing sensory sensitivity, our therapy is tailored to meet the unique goals of each individual.

Our Therapy Partners

Clarkson Eyecare works alongside experts in the field to help individuals improve sensory integration, motor skills, concentration, and overall engagement and enjoyment of everyday activities. Our partners include:


Developed by Dr. Steven Curtis, Optometric Multi-Sensory Training (OMST) is a rehabilitation protocol that uses a unique subconscious rehabilitation technique. OMST helps the brain learn or relearn multi-sensory filtering and is often recommended for patients suffering from visual processing disorders often associated with ADHD, anxiety, or autism.

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LearningRx is the leading center in brain training, focused on enhancing cognitive brain skills. Their brain training regimen utilizes a series of games, drills, and activities to strengthen the brain’s learning and thinking skills, including memory, attention span, and quick-thinking.

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Kids Eye Exam

Train Your Brain with Visual Processing Therapy at Clarkson Eyecare

No matter your age, Clarkson Eyecare can help you train your brain to process sensory information more accurately and effectively. Explore our Visual Processing Checklist to see if visual processing therapy is right for you, or contact us today to discuss your needs with an expert.